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The Next TSBPE Board Meeting is:

Thursday, February 20 @ 10:00am

(Agenda coming soon)

The Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners (TSBPE) meets at least once a quarter. Regularly-scheduled meetings are held on or about the 2nd Wednesday of January, April, July and October. Meetings are held at the TSBPE headquarters, located at 929 E. 41st St, Austin, Texas.

The agenda for each meeting is submitted to the Secretary of State and published in theĀ Texas RegisterĀ at least seven days before the meeting. Click or touch here to search the Texas Register website for TSBPE Board Meeting Agendas. Members of the public are encouraged to attend and/or watch the Board meetings. The agenda for each regularly-scheduled meeting includes an item for public comment, which gives individuals the opportunity to address the Board members directly.

Looking for archived Board Meeting videos and agendas? Check out the TSBPE’s Board Meeting Archive.