Eligibility Requirements
You may apply for the Responsible Master Plumber (RMP) Designation if:
- you are currently licensed as a Master Plumber in Texas;
- you are in good standing with the TSBPE; and
- you have submitted proof that you have obtained a minimum of $300,000 of commercial liability insurance coverage
PLEASE NOTE: You may NOT receive the RMP Designation if you hold a Plumbing Inspector License.
How to Apply
The best way to apply for the RMP Designation is via your account in the Online Licensing System. Simply login, look for the Manage Your License Information section, click “<Choose Application>” next to your Master License number and then select “Add Responsible Master Plumber Designation with Required Certificate of Insurance” from the dropdown menu. The website will ask you to verify your contact information, upload the required Certificate of Insurance (COI) and then pay the $225 registration fee.
To apply for the RMP Designation in person or via US Mail, you must submit a completed application with all supporting documentation, a Certificate of Insurance (COI) signed by your insurance agent, and a $225 fee to the TSBPE. If you have unpaid administrative penalties, you will also have to pay those penalties to bring your license into good standing.
RMP Designation Application
Certificate of Insurance (COI)
Scope of Work Permitted
As the name suggests, a RMP is responsible for the general supervision and management of plumbing work performed under contracts secured under his or her license regardless of whether the individuals performing the work are employees or subcontractors. General supervision and management includes maintaining at least $300,000 of general commercial liability insurance; obtaining all necessary permits and requesting all inspections as required by applicable plumbing or building codes; ensuring that all individuals performing plumbing work hold a current license or registration; ensuring that a licensee is present and providing direct supervision at all job sites where one or more registrants are engaged in plumbing; and ensuring that all service vehicles display the company name and RMP2’s license number. A RMP may act as the RMP of record for only one company at a time.
Initial Application Fee: $225*
Renewal Fee: $300
Late Renewal Fee (expired less than 90 days): $150
Late Renewal Fee (expired more than 90 days): $300
*If you apply for the RMP Designation during your renewal period, which opens 90 days before your expiration date, you are only required to pay the $300 renewal fee and do not have to pay the $225 initial application fee.
How to Drop the RMP Designation
If you no longer wish to act as a RMP, you must submit a signed and notarized Request to Relinquish RMP Designation Form to the TSBPE along with a $10 fee. A request submitted in person at the TSBPE headquarters does not need to be notarized; however, you will need to show a valid Texas photo I.D. If you submit the form with your regular license renewal form, you do not need to include the $10 fee.
Remove RMP Designation Form