Plumbing Inspector

Eligibility Requirements

You may take the Plumbing Inspector Examination if:

  • you are a citizen or national of the United States or an alien or non-immigrant eligible for
    licensure by the State of Texas;
  • you have a high school diploma or General Equivalency Diploma (GED); and
  • you have completed 500 hours of training and experience in the plumbing industry; or
  • you are currently licensed as:
    • a Master Plumber in Texas;
    • a Journeyman Plumber in Texas;
    • a Professional Engineer in Texas;
    • an Architect in Texas; or
    • a Plumbing Inspector in another state that has licensing requirements substantially
      equivalent to the licensing requirements of the TSBPE.

How to Apply for the Examination

To apply for the Plumbing Inspector Examination you must submit a completed application with all supporting documentation, your completed Plumbing Inspector Employment Certification Form(s), and a $55 fee to the TSBPE. If you have been convicted of a felony, you must also submit a Supplemental Criminal History Information Form (SCHIF).
Plumbing Inspector Examination Application
Plumbing Inspector Employer’s Certification Form
Supplemental Criminal History Information Form

Once you have successfully passed the exam, you must submit a $55 fee to obtain your certificate of licensure. To obtain your pocket card, you must submit documentation showing your affiliation with a political subdivision.


All applicants and examinees in the state of Texas are required by law to submit fingerprint data. This is a one-time requirement; applicants who have previously submitted fingerprint data to the TSBPE are not required to re-submit per application. If the TSBPE has not received fingerprint data for a Plumbing Inspector Applicant, however, the application will remain deficient until the issue has been resolved. For more information on fingerprints or to download instructions for applicants seeking to submit their fingerprints, please see this page.

Scope of Work Permitted

A Plumbing Inspector may inspect plumbing work performed within the jurisdiction of any political subdivision with which the inspector is affiliated. An affiliation is established if the inspector is employed by, or under contract with, a political subdivision to perform plumbing inspections. Proof of affiliation may be submitted using the Plumbing Inspector Employer Certification Form or in the form of a letter signed by an authorized representative of a political subdivision. An affiliated Plumbing Inspector may not have a financial or advisory interest in any plumbing company.

A Plumbing Inspector may also perform a customer service inspection certification for a public drinking water system pursuant to 30 Tex. Admin. Code Chapter 290.

Possible Endorsements

A Plumbing Inspector who meets the eligibility requirements may obtain a Medical Gas Piping Installation Endorsement, a Multipurpose Residential Fire Protection Sprinkler Specialist Endorsement, or a Water Supply Protection Specialist Endorsement. Visit this page to learn more about endorsements.


Exam Fee: $55
Initial License Fee: $55
Renewal Fee: $55
Late Renewal Fee (expired less than 90 days): $27.50
Late Renewal Fee (expired more than 90 days): $55